
Resettlement action plan update I

Resettlement action plan update I

The Project "Resettlement action plan update, verification, and implementation for the centralized irrigation systems rehabilitation activities" is funded by MCA (Millennium Challenge Account). The objective of the assignment is to…
Planul Topografic si PUG Orhei

Planul Topografic si PUG Orhei

In 2014 compania LSS a castigat licitatia pentru executarea ridicării topografice și actualizarea Planului Urbanistic General al or. Orhei Planul Urbanistic General Orhei este principalul document strategic de sistematizare teritorială…
Masurari de teren si drenaj in regiunea Prutul de Jos

Masurari de teren si drenaj in regiunea Prutul de Jos

Land Support Systems was hired by Millennium Challenge Account – Moldova to undertake “Lower Prut River Land & Drainage Survey” assignment. The assignment entails the the land surveying of the project area focusing…